No Label “1st Street Ale”
ABV: 5.0
The bottle boasts an ode to Katy, order Texas and is brewed with rice. This was a first for me! (I also liked the bottle shaped bar code on their label!! Just a fun FYI : I also distribute the printers that do this! ) It even smelled crisp and clean. Like citrus and honey! It has a hazy orange appearance. There were no bitter, hop notes, it was very smooth and light bodied. I found it kind of “thin” for an ale, maybe more like a lager style.
There was a lot of carbonation, and while it had a malty smoothness, and a touch a fruit, I could have stood for a little more citrus flair.
All in all, I would drink it again, probably more so in the summer months as I mentioned. The amount of carbonation and light flavor/body would be nice sitting out on my back porch watching the kids play in the summer months.
In exploring their site, I found out No Label has a second brewery! They call this one Off Label for those special, experimental brews that don’t make the regular line-up. I haven’t seen these yet, but I will now be on the lookout! If you know where they are or have tried any, please let me know!
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Great internet site! It looks very good! Keep up the helpful job!
Great internet site! It looks very good! Keep up the helpful job!